Money, management, connection, and well-being are top of mind for all of us. Here are seven suggestions that can help in all those areas.
When disasters like the corona virus happen, strong leadership is critical to manage the crisis and to reassure the population affected by it. On a (much) smaller, but nevertheless important scale, when disasters happen with your clients (e.g., a missed deadline, a system failure, a product glitch), your ability to manage the situation and reassure the client is equally important. Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Rudy Giuliani, and Abraham Lincoln at critical times in their office understood that. What they did in their worlds is what we as sales people need to do in disastrous client situations.
The coronavirus is touching everyone in every industry, not the least of all Wall Street. When extreme events happen, it isn’t surprising that describing them inevitably leads to metaphors to capture the meaning and emotion of the moment. Here is a good example of that…