17, 2012
I've Got Your Number?
3.8 million! $560 billion!
Are you excited, impressed, or motivated to act by these numbers? How about
4000? Does 4000 do it for you?
I didn’t think so.
How About Now?
2010, lawmakers voted in 579 changes (to the tax code.) Right
now it tops out at 3.8 million words, four times as long as 'War
and Peace.'"* (No wonder more people than ever before are
becoming entangled in audits!)
"Apple is a juggernaut. Its stock touched $600 on Thursday,
which represents $560 billion in market capitalization. Compare
this to Exxon Mobil, with a market cap of $400 billion, IBM's
$240 billion and Wal-Mart’s $210 billion. Can Apple really be
worth that much?"** (Stay [i] tuned.)
"If 9
fully loaded jumbo jets crashed every year, something would be
done about it. Every year more than 4,000 teens die in car
crashes. When even one plane crashes, the story is in the
headlines for weeks. But the equivalent of 9 planes full of
teens dying every year is barely a blip on the national radar.
You can change that by supporting the STANDUP ACT (S.528)."***
(How can you not want to check this act out?)
"If I Can’t See It, I Don’t
Understand It." Albert Einstein
As we all finalize
our tax returns this week, it is worth noting that, in any communication,
numbers by themselves are meaningless. They exist in abstraction. They are
neither good nor bad, exciting nor dull, outrageous nor trite. They gain meaning
only when they are put into context so that your listener can literally "see"
the import of that number.
What numbers do you routinely use to persuade or impress others? What
life are you giving them for impact, retention, and results?
Make what you say pay — with metaphors.
Anne Miller
*"The People vs The IRS," Bloomberg
Businessweek 4/9-4/15
**"How Much is Apple Worth?" The Wall Street Journal, 3/16/12
***Allstate advertisement, The Aspen Idea, Summer 2011
For Fun: Want the history
of English in just 10 minutes? Check out this
Clever Video
Recent Work:
"Speaking Outside the Box" for a leading dot.com company (using
metaphors to get past buyer’s roadblocks to close business faster)
"Emotional Intelligence" for a large investment bank. Did you know that studies
show that EQ beats IQ when it comes to success on the job?
"Recruiting and Retaining Talent in Times of Fiscal Constraint" was the title of
a panel I moderated for the leading financial dot.com recruitment company at
their client conference. Most interesting information? How companies are
offering so many non-financial quality-of-life benefits to woo and retain
Having a sales meeting? Contact me today for
fresh ideas to help meet your 2012 goals.
212-876-1875 amiller@annemiller.com

Need Help With Your Presentation?
Call today and turn your information that tells into a story
that sells.
Personal Presentation Client:
"I sing your praises every
opportunity I get. I look forward to continuing our work together"
Jane Newton, Wealth Manager, Regent Atlantic Capital LLC
WIN A FREE BOOK! Tell me about YOUR Metaphor Minute, a time you used
a metaphor or an analogy to make your point, overcome an obstacle, close a sale,
or wow an audience, and receive a signed copy of Metaphorically Selling or Make
What You Say Pay!. Simply call me at 212 876 1875 and tell me what you did or
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amiller@annemiller.com | |
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Timely Topics:
Info Into Stories That Sell"
"Negotiate Like the Big Boys"
"Notable & Quotable:
How to sell creatively"
"How to Shorten Sales Cycles"
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"The Metaphor Minute" is a brief monthly note with examples from business, media, or politics that illustrate the power of metaphors and analogies to make a point, solve a problem, and get results. Use these stories to stimulate high pay-off metaphoric thinking in your business. ©
2009. Anne Miller. -- PERMISSION TO REPRINT -- Feel free to reprint in company newsletters or articles. Just include ©2011, Anne Miller, author, "Metaphorically Selling," amiller@annemiller.com | |