Jan 17, 2017
High Stakes Presenting: Casual? Crafted?
Metaphors have been used to close million dollar deals, sell new ideas,
even win elections (“Drain the swamp” anyone?) They work because they resonate
at a deep associative level and instantly reshape the way someone sees what you
are saying. Yet people shy away from them because they think they need special
skills to create these high power communication mind-changers. I have put
together a new graph below that shows the three levels of metaphors you can use
when you need to sell, influence, persuade, or explain anything to anyone.
Please read my new
post on LinkedIn for the full explanation and examples.
Anne Miller
Make What You Say Pay! — with Metaphors
Become a Master of Metaphor to Build Business, Influence Others
& Get Results Fast

Order Today
Available in print, on Kindle & as Audiobook
The Tall Lady With the Iceberg: the power of
metaphors to sell, persuade, & explain anything to anyone.
“Filled with fresh thinking, this book should be a "must read"
for all salespeople and business leaders who want to take their
communication skills to the next level.”
-Jill Konrath, Author, Agile Selling.
Need to Craft or Create a Winning Presentation or Demo?
Call today for individual coaching or
team workshops and
learn how to turn information that tells into a story that sells. 212-876-1875
"Anne and I recently worked together on a speech I gave at a large
conference. She helped me turn a series of somewhat interesting points into
an expertly crafted, compelling and actionable story. Together, we built a
storyline with attention-grabbing headlines. We worked and re-worked the
language, making sure every word was important. Finally, Anne coached me on
the delivery. The result was so exciting - I've never been so well received
in a speech before. Thank you, Anne!" Kate Griffin, Vice President, CFED.org
If you like these newsletters, please share them with clients,
colleagues and friends! Thank you.
WIN A FREE BOOK! Tell me about YOUR Metaphor Minute, a time you used
a metaphor or an analogy to make your point, overcome an obstacle, close a sale,
or wow an audience, and receive a signed copy of The Tall Lady or Make
What You Say Pay!. Simply call me at 212 876 1875 and tell me what you did or
email me at
amiller@annemiller.com | |
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Links I Like:
Great Resources:
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best arguments
dazzle with metaphor"
Gerry Spence,
Media Commentator & Lawyer
The Original “Metaphorically Selling” that spawned a movement,
now with 25 New Stories. Available in print, ebook & (new)
audiobook formats.
Click here
7 Signs You Need A Metaphor (Visual Language)
Your listener is
not paying attention
Your listener is
stuck on an objection
Your listener is
Your listener sees
no difference between you and your competition
You want to drive
home a point vividly and memorably
You have to wiggle
out of a difficult situation
You want to wow or
motivate a larger audience
The best firms hire brilliantly
& train relentlessly.
Having a Meeting?
Call today for fresh ideas to take your team to the
next level 212-876-1875 or
"I've been to a lot of
training programs and yours was the best!"
-CRO, MediaMath
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 The Key to Persuasion, Clarity & Understanding

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"The Metaphor Minute" is a brief monthly note with examples from business, media, or politics that illustrate the power of metaphors and analogies to make a point, solve a problem, and get results. Use these stories to stimulate high pay-off metaphoric thinking in your business.
2017. Anne Miller. -- PERMISSION TO REPRINT -- Feel free to reprint in company newsletters or articles. Just include
©2017, Anne Miller, author, "Metaphorically Selling,"
amiller@annemiller.com You are subscribed at:[[-Email-]] - to unsubscribe, click here |