What do a girl scout and a CEO have in common? They both depend on old fashioned skills and smarts for success.
Katie Francis, 13, sold 22,200 boxes of Girl Scout cookies this year, breaking the world record she set last year. Secrets to her success?
- Smile (No one likes to buy from a frowner)
- Look and act like a professional
- Don’t waste time on people who are not interested. Move on and find the “yesses”
- Work hard (She logs 12-13 hour days on weekends)
- Appeal to customer needs ,desires
- Know your product (she knows the ingredients, which are gluten free, etc.)
- Have a strong support team (Katie has her Mom)
As for the CEO, Fortune Magazine recently reported that employers are now looking for that little extra: empathy! It seems that in a connected, collaborative world, skills competence will get you only so far. The ability to empathize with customers and colleagues is key to getting ahead.
It’s what John Naisbitt called “High Tech, High Touch” way back in his pre-Internet 1982 book, Megatrends.
It is hard to disagree that all of these characteristics apply to successful presenters.
Anne Miller
Words Matter – Make What You Say Pay!

Call today: Turn information that tells into an experience that sells. 212-876-1875 amiller@annemiller.com