If you could follow a group of outstanding salespeople and presenters over a long period of time, you would discover practices common to them all. These would likely range from small behaviors, like how they greet someone ,to broader skills, like how they link features to value in presentations. But, what would their “herding cats” behaviors be?
This “Herding cats” phrase comes from an article by NY Times columnist David Brooks, writing about Doug Lemov, Managing Director of Teach Like a Champion. Lemov studies excellent teachers, as measured by student achievement, to determine the common behaviors of outstanding educators. It turns out that the most successful teacher was previously unheralded and that her key success skills were small, largely “invisible” ones.
“In part,” writes Brooks, “Lemov is talking about the skill of ‘herding cats.’ The master of cat herding senses when attention is about to wander, knows how fast to move a diverse group, senses the rhythm between lecturing and class participation, varies the emotional tone. This is a performance skill that surely is relevant beyond education.”
Herding Cats in Sales, Demos, & Presentations
Brooks is right. These sensitivity and situational skills extend way beyond the classroom. They are critical in selling, presenting, marriage, parenting, negotiating, consulting, managing, leading, etc.
In sales and presenting, “herding cats” includes
- Being really present with , and responsive to, prospects and clients: listening, focus, attention
- Having the courage to ask questions for clarity, understanding , and inconsistencies
- Being sufficiently mindful and flexible to respond to both listener interest and fatigue
- Reading and responding to another person’s time and information preferences, and
- Using language that resonates with listeners: words, phrases, metaphors, & analogies
Final Thought
Technology makes us more efficient and productive and that is certainly good. It would be hard to find too many people who want to go back to electric typewriters and white-out . But technology cannot replace those invisible “herding cats” skills that build relationships and smooth the way to long-term business. Developing these “herding skills” is a must for anyone whose success depends on influence and persuasion.
Anne Miller
Make What You Say Pay!
New! Metaphor Infographic
I am excited to present this brand new Metaphor Infographic. Spread the news to everyone you know whose success depends on persuasion, selling, or simplifying complexity.“Metaphor: The Shortcut to Yes” includes
3 Reasons w
hy you need to be metaphor-savvy
Research behind the metaphor-mind connection
10 times you absolutely need a metaphor to make your point
First steps to becoming a Master “Metaphorian”
Examples from famous “Metaphorians” (from Jobs to Huffington)